The significant achievements that the Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) have made across a 4 year period (and continue to make) with cultural transformation has been absolutely amazing to witness. P2E were privileged to have worked closely with the QCS to help guide their long range 10 Year Strategic Plan and corporate restructure in 2018. As a Fellow of the AIPM, our Managing Director Todd Hunt was invited to write an article on the approach taken, which has now been published in the Summer Edition of the Australian Institute of Project Managements Paradigm Shift! P2E are extremely proud of this organisation, their people and their on-going accomplishments as they progress towards their Corrections 2030 vision.

Queensland Corrections 2030 – A Cultural Transformation Journey
“We have just completed our 25th Operational Performance Review and would simply not have been where we are today without the contribution and assistance provided by P2E”. (Commissioner Martin, 2020)