Program Management
Programs exist to enable transformational change in your organisation, whether that change be vision-led or capability-led. That is, changing something you currently or need to have or do to be more competitive or effective in delivering your products or services. Changing the way you do things results in Outcomes, which over time enable you to realise Business Benefits.
The effective management of these changes and resultant Outcomes and Benefits is a balancing act that requires very strong and pro-active engagement, communication and persuasion skills. It also requires an understanding of your organisation’s Blueprint, roadmap for change and how the particular program supports them. It consumes time—something senior personnel have limited supplies of.
P2E® can assist you with the provision of experienced Senior Executives who are specialists in embedding change into organisations. We can provide people for other role fulfillment, guidance, assurance, skills development, training, facilitated workshops, stakeholder engagement, mentoring and coaching services, as well as every facet of Program initiation, delivery and management you may require. We can even help you identify the right people in your own organisiation best suited to, and most suitable for successful program delivery.
P2E enjoys an excellent reputation for Program Delivery. That’s our passion—P2E’s primary driver is about you Achieving Outcomes, Realising Benefits®. Why? Because we want organisations to actually succeed—and your success feeds ours!
We want you to create or change the right capabilities needed to enable the necessary outcomes for you to ultimately realise the benefits identified that will make your organisation better. We can help you focus on what is right, and what is noise, what enables benefits and what creates barriers. We can also help you identify what gaps you have between what your blueprint describes and what your program/project initiatives will actually enable!
Our proprietary framework leverages the best of Program Management methods (like MSP®) and Change Management Methods (like ADKAR®). Together with our integrated Project Management approach, P2E delivers its Program Management services in contextualised ways that make sense for your organisation’s environment, culture, business need and objectives. That is, P2E does, not just talks!
Some the P2E Program Management services include:
- Providing Exceptional Program Managers and Directors
- Pragmatic Program Delivery and/or Recovery
- Program Assurance (including Gateway Reviews)
- Program Consulting
- Accredited Program Methods Training (MSP®) with an alliance partner—leading to qualifications
- Facilitated Program Workshops (Program Identification, Planning, Implementation, Business Case Management, Benefits Identification and Management)
- Provision of professional program management personnel
- Program Mentoring and Coaching.