Strategic Planning
Successful organisations adapt to their changing environment. This often means improving how they operate on a daily basis (business-as-usual) and adapting to emerging demands, threats and expectations. This is an enabler for a sustainable business where the adoption of good strategic planning disciplines can grow an organisational culture that embraces change targeted at meeting strategic objectives.
Unsuccessful organisations do this in a reactive or ad-hoc manner, often resulting in high risk and excessive costs. We like to call this the ‘big bang approach’.
Successful organisations plan these changes according to a regularly reviewed organisation blueprint enacted in a pro-active or a regularly reassessed controlled manner.
The controlled context means your organisation knows:
- its current state (capability, services, opportunities and threats, assessment of doing the right things and how well);
- its desired state at some future time (often 5 or 10 years);
- its roadmap to enable progress and close the gap between current and future states.
This also requires an agreed and proactively led governance structure to ensure that ownership, accountability, transparency, responsibility, optimal use of organisational resources and the necessary environmental controls are leveraged for the successful implementation of initiative delivery.
P2E® have delivered award winning outcomes to many clients and can work with your organisation to articulate and communicate your agreed Strategic Plan, Organisational Blueprint and the underpinning Operational Plans that incorporate necessary change enablers that align and deliver against your strategic objectives. Check out our success stories under Why P2E.