Transformational Change
‘Transformational Change’ appears to be the new catch phrase that’s being used very loosely within the consultancy sector. However, lift the bonnet and have a good look around, move some leads and ask the right questions to identify who really can deliver transformational change in complex challenging time constrained environments, especially if it involves your organisation!
So why does my business need to undertake transformational change?
Understanding what needs to be transformed within your organisation is critical prior to jumping into mass change as this is often disruptive and can impact your core services and products. Most organisations today are placed under great pressure to do more with less. There is an every growing demand for businesses to remain competitive and sustainable while being responsive to a changing environment. This cannot be achieved if we simply continue to perform business as usual activities without meeting our strategic objectives. So ask the question: Does my business meet its core service and product requirements and are we enabling our strategic outcomes? If you answered NO, then maybe you need to consult with us!
P2E® has established a reputation for assessing complex environments and supporting alignment to, and the enablement of, practical outcomes, realistic benefit realisation and transformational change for organisations. The P2E philosophy is simple: Achieving Outcomes – Realising Benefits®. Anything that does not contribute to this is wasted resource, business noise and creates barriers. This was a key principle when P2E designed and successfully tested our Cultural Transformational Framework eVolute®, which is used by our Australasian recognised business change and P3 expert practitioners. Our many decades of hands-on experience across a variety of government and industry sectors give us a diverse ability to structure and plan for transformational changes in your organisation, as well as perform P3 delivery or recovery services for programs and projects, as well as provide assurance services, tailored training and accredited courses. We have also recognised that underlying P3 execution is only successful when your business (from the highest to the lowest levels) is positioned to understand, support and commit to necessary planning, controls and governance. We believe that business success is more than simply creating capability. It is underpinned by embedding its use into everything the business does and is. It transforms, supports and grows internal capability within your organisation, your infrastructure, your services and your people. All of this is critical for successful business transformation.
Evidence of our ability to deliver large scale business transformation was reflective when P2E were asked to work with the Executives of the Queensland Police Service to better deliver against the next generation of Queensland community service demands. This required transformation of its’ organisational leadership, structure, governance and delivery capability without negatively impacting frontline services was required. P2E Director Todd Hunt and several support staff were engaged to manage the planning and delivery of the subsequent award winning Renewal Program. The Renewal Program impacts every part of the business, along with other national and state government bodies, unions and employees. It also represented the most significant change the Queensland Police Service had undertaken since the post 1990’s Fitzgerald Inquiry and formed an ongoing package of reforms to better deliver against the next generation of Queensland community service demands and enhance frontline service delivery and to better support the community and increasing police numbers alike.

QPS Renewal Project team Todd Hunt, Inspector Sharee Cumming, Peter Kolesnik, Inspector Mark Wheeler, Deputy Commissioner (Specialist Operations) Ross Barnett, Inspector Craig Hawkins, (standing) Inspector Richard Hahn, Inspector Tony Fleming, Inspector Mark Jackson acknowledge the end of the first phase of the renewal process.
“I would like to acknowledge the tremendous work of the QPS Renewal Program Office and in particular the program manager, Todd Hunt, whose expertise is building organisational capability. Mr. Hunt’s contribution has been invaluable.”
Deputy Commissioner Barnett, Jul 2013 QPS Bulletin Article
Queensland Police Service
If you want an award winning transformation partner, then look no further and call one of our highly regarded consultants to discuss your business needs.